[testimonial_view id=”1″ category=”physio”]
Clinical Appointments
Fees are payable at the time of the consultation unless your claiming for physio or osteopathy with Bupa or AXA PPP.
We take all major credit cards or we can store your payment details securely on your account to be debited at each appointment.
Pilates Classes
Classes are usually bought and booked online using your stored card payment details.
You can register for an account via our timetable and your payment details will be stored in encrypted format with the highest level of security.
We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express.
Complementary Therapies & Psychological Therapies
You will pay your practitioner directly for therapies at our therapy rooms. Payment methods vary from one practitioner to another so please check this at the time of booking. Note that some practitioners are not able to accept card payments so may require payment by cash, bank transfer or cheque.