5 Element Acupuncture is a profound and powerful treatment which addresses the root cause of patterns of disharmony in the body. Using the well-proven Chinese system of meridians, the practitioner aims to determine where there is an imbalance, and to restore the harmony, often through a deeper spiritual and mental approach. This can give a profound sense of well-being and calm.
Headaches, hypertension, irritable bowel, hay fever and asthma are some of the conditions shown to benefit from treatment. Others include gynaecological problems such as PMS, bloating, period pain and issues relating to male and female fertility.
Fertility acupuncture can assist with IVF and other conception programmes but administering acupuncture treatment during various stages. Acupuncture can also assist with the effects of morning sickness and the natural induction of labour. Richard is registered with WPA.
Please call us to book in your appointment with Richard.
Acupuncture Appointments
Acupuncture FAQs
What happens during a treatment?
A medical history will be taken before your therapist designs your treatment plan. Sterile needles will then be inserted at points to treat the whole body as well as any specific symptoms. You will rest with the needles in for a short while before your therapist removes them.
What does acupuncture feel like?
Most people don’t feel the needles being inserted as they are very fine. You may feel some tingling or a dull ache around the site of the needle. Reactions to treatment are rare and short-lived and may include some tiredness / dizziness or mild bruising. Most people report feeling calm and relaxed.
Is it safe?
The risk of an adverse reaction is very low. Please discuss any concerns with your practitioner.
How often will I need to come?
Treatment plans vary from person to person but it is usual to begin a treatment plan with weekly treatments. As the body responds to treatment, frequency of visits may be reduced.
Will my private medical insurance cover the cost of my treatments?
Some policies do cover acupuncture treatment. Please check with your policy provider.
Our Acupuncturist
Richard has been practicing acupuncture since 1997 and is a fully insured member of the British Acupuncture Council. He has a particular interest in sub-fertility issues.
Richard is deeply committed to acupuncture as a means of protecting and restoring health and well-being. He treats a wide range of conditions and specialises in both Five Element and Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture.
Richard has a particular expertise in treating both men and women with fertility problems, including couples undergoing IVF and other assisted conception programmes. Richard is registered with WPA.
Contact reCentre Health’s Reception Team to book an appointment with Richard by emailing info@recentre-health.co.uk or phoning 020 8672 4455